Thursday, March 13, 2008

Film Festival Events - March 13th

Belly Laughing
Hysterical Tears
I'm Laughing so Hard I could Die!

7 pm - Just for Laughs
Seven Comedies with introductions from

Music, Stories and Films!
DCIFF has it all in this light and pleasant Raucous Rowdy Romp.

Start at 6 pm with a music session at Pangea Artisan Market & Cafe at the corner of 21st and Penn, NW.

head two blocks south to the Jack Morton Theater in the Media and Public Affairs Building at 21st and H St. where at 7 pm the fun continues.

cruise next door to Bertucci's for the after party at 10pm.

Film Screenings include:
Story Telling Introductions by members of DC's Volunteer Wise Guys!
Funniest Fed 2007 tells the story of the inaugural Funniest Fed Contest, a stand-up comedy competition featuring the talents of federal employees in the Washington, D.C.-metro area.

Sid and his partner in crime formulate a fool-proof plan. Steal $20,000 from a church on a Friday, when ministers and church staff have the day off.

Today is Saul's 36th birthday. He has no family, no friends, and no woman. But it's his birthday, by God, and he's going to celebrate.

Minister Eldrid Elston insists he doesn't care any more. With his profanity-laced, booze-fueled sermons, he attacks his community for choosing adultery, fake tans, and scat porn over the Word of God.

If you think the Las Vegas nightlife is best left to the young and hip, then you haven't seen the senior side of The Strip.

A monkey acts out what he thinks is a genius story, while his friend, a hippo, tries to capture his buddy's dictation with the aid of his not-so-trusty typewriter.

Ankor is hot, and he knows it. But when he turns down his sweetheart neighbor for a striking lifeguard, he falls from his high horse, and the highest diving board.

Music Festival Events - March 13th

6 pm - Early Session (free)
@ Pangea Artisan Market & Cafe
21st and Penn, NW

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There's a big pay-off in being able to do something large scale ambitious in your life, something that occupies your time, attention, and desire, and then to see how it engages strangers and makes them part of your life. No one in his or her right mind would choose to do this as an outlet from the pressures of the rest of the world, because if you really really care about art and get some sense of self-worth from what you put out there, you can never relax. If we didn't believe The Caribbean compensated for the absence of something in the world, we wouldn't bother.

10 pm - Late Session - two bands
($10 or free with a DCIFF Film Ticket)
@ Bertucci’s Restaurant
21st and Eye St, NW

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The music of The Walkaways can best be described as candy in a whiskey bottle -- tasteful hooks infused with a mix of alt-country, blues, and roots rock-n-roll. Ready and willing to take on the Washington, DC music scene and coming soon to a bar near you.

11pm - OmegaBand
The word rock had a long history within the English language as being a metaphor meaning 'to shake up, to disturb or to incite'. The word roll was also a popular metaphor which meant having sex as in 'roll in the hay' and so on. Though the variety of influences is infinite, the realm of OmegaBand is within the context of this definition. OmegaBand features Alpha Betts on lyrics and microphones, Kirk Waldroff on bass and Bala Harper on drums, Kristin Arant on percussion and background vocals, and James Reeves on guitar.

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